What’s your definition of the landlord job description? Does it center on collecting rents and keeping the property looking nice and in good working order? If so, you’re in step with me – and we’re both limiting our incomes.
I’m still collecting ideas on ways landlords can provide more lucrative services to their residents. Check our summary of auxiliary income ideas.
In the process, I find myself hitting roadblocks. The problem is the word landlord itself. My version of the landlord job description conjures up too many stereotypes (like the arch-villain Snidely Whiplash). The job title is great for communicating with others, but it’s terrible for brainstorming.
To break free from the gravitational pull associated with the word, we need to dump it.
Dumping Our Landlord Job Description
The traditional title of landlord suggests a person is the owner of a housing unit and rents the space to tenants. An online dictionary says a landlord is – One that owns and rents land, buildings, or dwelling units. Using the job title doesn’t inspire creativity. It doesn’t push me out of the box towards something crazy – like finding a way to make money helping residents purchase gasoline for their cars.
Get my drift? We need to dump the word.
The title asset/property manager suggests the person is only concerned about the property’s balance sheet. It doesn’t inspire anyone to look for new opportunities. It anchors you to the status quo.
Now, the title resident services agent works for me. It frees the title holder to provide whatever services their residents consume. For example, I stumbled on a Wi-Fi distribution idea once I started looking at what my residents consumed (you will need to subscribe to get the details). So RSA will be the replacement term I use for “landlord” – unless, of course, you have better suggestion.
But Exactly What Does a RSA Do?
Now that we’re free to think, let’s talk about what that person does to generate auxilary income.
For starters, let’s build ideas around human necessities: food, water, clothing, and shelter. Then, let’s stretch our thinking by considering our resident’s needs before, during, and after using our properties.
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It’s Your Turn to Lead
I added a few ideas to prime the pump, but I really need your help. Please suggest an idea for one of our categories. Also let me know what you think of the RSA idea. Leave a comment in the box below.